At Livingston United Methodist Church, we focus on three main areas: worship, small groups, and outreach. We are convinced that our calling as a church is to encourage and equip people to be in full and loving relationship with God and each other. We want to minister to people in such a way that they can be more fulfilled, faithful and effective in the places where God has put them.

The Livingston United Methodist Church (in the German Village section of downtown Columbus) was founded as an outreach to the German immigrant community in 1843. The original 1845 church was replaced by a larger building in 1872, but that was torn down to make way for the I-70/I-71 freeway. The replacement church was built about two blocks away from the original location in 1966.
In July 2014, Livingston United Methodist Church became an active member of the Reconciling Ministries Network. RMN mobilizes United Methodists of all sexual orientations and gender identities to transform our Church and world into the full expression of Christ’s inclusive love. Livingston has its own LGBT social group, Rainbow Connections, that meets regularly for fellowship as well as strengthen involvement within the church’s missions and ministry. You can learn more about the RMN organization on their website rmnetwork.org.

The North Star is the anchor of the northern sky. It can be a helpful guiding light to those who are looking for a purposeful direction. Historically, the North Star has always provided a beacon of hope in times of uncertainty. North Star Congregations are local churches in the West Ohio Conference that are prepared to welcome anyone whose church has closed or disaffiliated. North Star Congregations are places where you will find spaces and persons of peace who will care for you during a difficult season along your spiritual journey. If you find yourself disconnected from the church, please be assured that there is still a place for you in the United Methodist Church. A North Star Congregation may be just what you need to help you through this unexpected season and help you stay United Methodist. Livingston UMC is proud to be one of these congregations. Consider these United Methodist faith communities a resting place, with people who will care for you while providing a haven of peace and grace.