This Week's Announcements​​​​​​
State of the Church Gathering – Please stay after Worship today to catch up on what’s been happening at Livingston UMC beyond Sundays. We’ll come together for lunch, and some of your Leadership Board and I will share how we are doing missionally and financially, where things stand with the sale of the church’s property, our plans moving forward, and more.
Kairos Prison Ministry – Visit the tables in the Narthex on Sundays to sign up or learn more about how you can participate in loving our incarcerated neighbors through the Kairos Prison Ministry program.
Holy Week Services – Palm Sunday, 10:30 a.m. at Livingston UMC; Maundy Thursday, 6:00 p.m. at Gates-Fourth UMC; Good Friday, 6:00 p.m. at Livingston UMC; Sunrise Easter Service, 7:45 a.m. at Schiller Park Stage; Traditional Easter Service, 10:30 a.m. at Livingston UMC
Rosemary’s Cupboard Restock – We are collecting the following for Rosemary’s Cupboard: crackers (saltine, Ritz, etc.), butter (tubs or sticks), and oatmeal (instant packets or larger containers). These items are in short- to no-supply at Mid Ohio Food Collective and are among the most requested by Rosemary’s Cupboard’s guests.
​Do Unto Others/LUMC Swag – Custom LUMC apparel and other items are now available in our print-on-demand shop. Visit today!​
Altar flowers – If you would like to provide altar flowers, please email Jane at by Tuesday afternoon with your dedication so it can be added to the bulletin.